Department of Anthropology: |
Anthropology is a subject with
immense scope and application in various fields including government and
non-government sectors. The Department of Anthropology of this college
commenced in 2001 with an undergraduate (B.A./B.Sc.) General course and
subsequently the three years undergraduate (B.Sc.) Honours course started in
2004. The teachers use audio-visual means for teaching and organise exposure
visits and outreach programmes for the students. Periodical visits to the
Anthropological and Archaeological Museum enhance learning experience of the
students. The department also organises special lecture programmes during
each academic session. The students are also guided for their future
endeavours by the teachers. The subject Anthropology offers– Anthropological
field work which enriches the students with hands-on-learning activities; it
also shares and disseminates information and knowledge about the complexities
of human condition both past and present.
ID: |
Faculty Profile: |
Sl. No. |
Name |
Qualification |
Designation |
Specialization |
1. |
Suman Chakrabarty |
M.Sc. (Gold Med.), Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
Biological Anthropology |
2. |
Suchismita Sen Chowdhury |
M.Sc., Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor and Head |
Social-Cultural Anthropology |
3. |
Pushpa Lata Tigga |
M.Sc., Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
Physical Anthropology and Human
Genetics |
4. |
Smt. Tanusree
Polley |
M.Sc. |
Social-Cultural Anthropology |
5. |
Saswati Roy CV |
M.Sc. |
Palaeoanthropology and Prehistoric
Archaeology |
Technical Staff: |
Sri Abhijit Dutta – Laboratory Assistant |
Departmental Highlights: |
Ø Dr.
Suman Chakrabarty successfully completed another collaborative project as
Co-PI. The title of the project was “Gender role and attitude towards child
health care practices by ethnic groups and settlements: A socio-cultural
study in North 24 Parganas District of West Bengalâ€. It was funded (Rs. 16.0
Lakh) by Indian Council of Social Science Research. Duration of the project
was 2018-2020.
Ø Dr.
Suman Chakrabarty successfully completed a collaborative project titled “A
micro level study of impact of life style and socio-economy on adolescent
overweight or obesity in Kolkata city, West Bengal†as Co-PI. It was funded
(Rs. 8.19 Lakh) by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. Duration of the
project was 2018-2020.
Ø Dr.
Suchismita Sen Chowdhury received Award for Outstanding Paper in the Social
Science and IPR and others category presented in the Fifth Regional Science
Congress-2023 organised by the Department of Science and Technology and
Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal.
Ø Several
National and International level webinars were organised during Covid-19
period (2021) through online mode (e.g.
Ø Special
lecture programmes are regularly organised for the students which support
interactive learning from faculties belonging to other institutes and other dignitaries.
Ø An
online National Seminar on Recent ‘Trends in Anthropological Research’ was
organised by the Department of Anthropology in association with Dera Natung Government
College, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh in 2021 which was followed by the
publication of edited volume entitled “Recent
Trends in Anthropological Researchâ€. New Delhi: Pathak Publisher and Distributors. (ISBN 978-93-91952-37-2)
edited by Dr. Suman Chakrabarty, Dr. Ratna Tayeng and Dr. Suchismita Sen
Ø Several
awareness programmes and outreach programmes were organised by the department
involving the students. These kinds of programmes provide hand on training to
the students for dealing with different socio-economic problems.
Ø Exposure
visits to museums and attending tribal festivals improves quality practical
Ø Department
focus on quality teaching with the help of modern teaching aids through
well-equipped class rooms, projector, internet facilities, renovated laboratories
and departmental library.
Ø Department
has dedicated and experienced faculties and laboratory staff.
Ø Students
and teachers are involved in different activities through NSS, NCC and RedCross
units of the college.
Ø Department
takes care of the socio-economic challenges of its students. Undergraduate
students are committed to their studies and passionate about their future
Ø Active
and very supportive ex-students. Our ex-student Mr. Saikat Ghosh (a
Phlebotomist) participated in Health Check UP camps for teachers and students
organised by the department as well as by the NSS unit of the college.
Ø Department
publishes wall magazine every year on different topics.
Ø Excellent
higher studies record of undergraduate students. Majority of the honours
students take admission in master’s degree at different universities of
India. |
of Alumni:
ü Dr. Akash Mallick of this Department
secured 1st class 1st position in the final examination under West Bengal
State University (WBSU) in the session 2013-14. He is now engaged as
Assistant Professor in Contract at Department of Anthropology, Fakir Mohan
University, Balasore.
ü Mrs. Rupa Biswas is engaged
as Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Behala College,
Affiliated under University of Calcutta.
ü Mrs. Papiya Roy is engaged
as Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology in Government General Degree College, Keshiary, Paschim
ü Mr. Suman Das and Ms. Ananya
Chanda are engaged as Research Investigators in Cultural Research Institute,
Government of West Bengal.
ü Ms. Joyasree Ghosh is
appointed as Constable (GD) in BSF.
ü Ms. Roshni Chatterjee is
pursuing PhD from 2022 under the supervision Dr Suman Chakrabarty, faculty of
this Department. She has received prestigious UGC- Savitribai Jyotirao Phule
Single Girl Child Fellowship-2022-23 (Registration ID: