Mrinalini Datta Mahavidyapith Alumni Association

(Regn No: S0030140 of 2022-23)


                                Alumni Membership Form

                                                                         Alumni membership Form

The Alumni Association of the college acts like a guide to our present students. This association always extends its hands towards academic development and overall well being of the college.

The Governing Body of the Alumni Association consists of the following members:

1. Dr. Sudeshna Lahiri, President

2. Mr. Amit Paul, Vice President

3. Mr. Bikash Das, Secretary

4. Mr. Shib Shankar Basu Roy Chowdhury, Assistant secretary

5. Mr. Romio Debnath, Treasurer

6. Mr. Ananda Dhali, Member

7. Mr. Dipankar Das, Member

8. Mr. Subrata Paul, Member


Ongoing Alumni Committee meeting with Principal and  IQAC Coordinator


The association contributes in various ways towards the academic growth and needs of the college and the students:


Communicating information about job opportunities in different work fields.


Donating books and financial assistance to the college and the needy students.


 Members of the Alumni engaged in entrepreneurship, like publishing, interior decoration, catering etc directly contribute their services as per the need of the college.


Some of the ex-students of our college have been absorbed as State aided college teachers after successful completion of PG and having fulfilled the required eligibility criterion